Языковые и прагматические особенности текстов-описаний товаров бытовой техники в интернет-магазине

  • Pilyugina N.Yu.

    Nataliya.Yu. Pilyugina. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Вэнь Хуэйсинь

    Wen Huixin. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


he object of the article is the household appliances descriptive texts on the websites of online stores which fully represent a complex hypertext structure performing a pragmatic function of ensuring socio-cultural interaction between the seller of the goods and a potential
buyer. The specificity of the hypertext nature consists of the interaction of various code systems in the structure of the goods description: photos, goods descriptions, technical characteristics, product assessments, delivery information, cost and feedback. The difficulty of studying such descriptive texts lies in the absence of a unified approach to the hypertext analysis, therefore, several techniques are used in this work. Within the framework of the methodology of discursive analysis, the analysis of the linguistic and grammatical means of the descriptive texts was carried out. These means influence the process of interaction between the seller and the potential buyer of the goods and create a positive image of the goods, affect the purchasing power. Thus, the genre specificity of texts describing household appliances consists in the formation of a special type of online shopping discourse, which is characterized by its own set of role-playing attitudes of the seller and the buyer, implemented in standard language models of text organization. The method of sociolinguistic questioning allowed to identify the attitude to the textsdescriptions of the buyers of goods themselves, the factors influencing the purchase decision. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the subgenre "goods feedback", implemented inside the household appliances text-description. The frequency linguistic ways of expressing the
product assessments are revealed.
Keywords: genre, Internet communication, discourse, goods description, household appliances, online store, language features, feedback, product assessments